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Find your next challenge

Enter the first part of your postcode in the search box above to find a running, cycling or swimming event near you. The box, powered by Find A Race, sorts through thousands of events nationwide to help you find your next challenge. Article provided by NHS…

Finding Somewhere to Live

There are lots of different housing options available for a young person or adult with special educational needs and disabilities. You can have help in your own home, live in someone else's home or get help to live on your own or with friends.

Fish and shellfish

A healthy diet should include at least two portions of fish a week, including one of oily fish. That's because fish and shellfish are good sources of many vitamins and minerals. Oily fish - such as salmon and fresh tuna - is also particularly high in long-chain…

Fish pie

You can use any kind of white fish, such as cod or haddock, and even add an oily fish like salmon, to make this tasty fish pie. Salmon is a good source of omega 3 fatty acids. Aim for at least 2 portions of 140g of fish a…

Fitness advice for wheelchair users

As a wheelchair user, getting active will bring you important health benefits and can help you manage daily life, too. Regular aerobic exercise - the kind that raises your heart rate and causes you to break a sweat - and muscle-strengthening exercise are just as…

Five facts about colds

Some surprising facts about colds, including what causes symptoms such as a blocked nose, and why mucus turns thick and yellow. 1. Cold viruses don't make us feel ill "It's your own immune response that makes you feel ill," says Professor Ron Eccles of the Common Cold…

Five health symptoms men shouldn't ignore

British men are paying the price for neglecting their health: more than 100,000 men a year die prematurely. On average, men go to their GP half as often as women. It's important to be aware of changes to your health, and to see your GP…

Five lifestyle tips for a healthy tummy

Digestive problems and stomach upsets can be prevented, relieved and even banished by simple lifestyle changes. Beat stress to ease tummy troubles You may have noticed a feeling of unease in your stomach during times of stress. That's because anxiety and worry can upset the delicate balance…

Five negative thoughts that can prolong back pain

Growing evidence suggests the way you think and feel about your back pain plays an important role in your chances of recovery. Thinking negatively about the prospects of getting better, as well as feelings of stress and anxiety, can extend the length of time you suffer…

Five tips to reduce hay fever symptoms

Your lifestyle can affect how severe your hay fever symptoms are. According to the charity Allergy UK, hay fever can adversely affect many areas of your life including your social life, your emotional wellbeing, your performance at work or school, and your self-esteem. A survey…
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