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10 myths about stop smoking treatments

There are many myths and misconceptions surrounding stop smoking medicines such as nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and prescription tablets. Here are 10 common myths, and the truth behind them. 1. MYTH: Stop smoking treatments don't really work THE FACTS: Research suggests that nicotine replacement therapies and the…

10 self-help tips to stop smoking

If you want to stop smoking, you can make small changes to your lifestyle that may help you resist the temptation to light up. Think positive You might have tried to quit smoking before and not managed it, but don't let that put you off. Look back at the things your…

10 tips for a healthy diet

South Asian cooking varies from country to country. As with all cooking, it can be made healthier without sacrificing taste. Try these 10 tips for healthier eating. Making a few changes to your ingredients or ways of cooking, such as reducing the amount of fat, salt and…

10 tips on foot care

Read our top 10 tips on how to look after your feet, with special advice for the over-60s. Your feet take the weight of your whole body, so foot problems can quickly lead to discomfort and affect the way you walk. This can in turn…

10 tips to beat insomnia

Simple lifestyle changes can make a world of difference to your quality of sleep. Follow these 10 tips for a more restful night. 1. Keep regular sleep hours Going to bed and getting up at roughly the same time every day will programme your body to sleep better.…

10 tips to make your New Year's resolution a success

Many of us will make a healthy New Year's resolution - maybe to lose weight, quit smoking or drink less - but what's the best way to stick to it? Psychologists have found we're more likely to succeed if we break our resolution into smaller goals that are specific, measurable and time-based.…

10 ways to get active with your kids

All children aged five or over should be physically active for at least one hour a day. Physical activity helps children: grow strong muscles and bones maintain a healthy weight discover the world around them build their confidence You can help by encouraging your child to…

10 ways to get fit

Exercise doesn't have to mean torturing yourself at the gym. Here are 10 ways to get fit while you have fun. Karate This is one of the best total-body workouts, helping you shed fat, build muscle and even improve your concentration. Make sure you go to…

10 ways to prevent food poisoning

Here are some tips to help you reduce your risk of food poisoning at home. Wash your hands Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water (warm or cold) and dry them before handling food, after handling raw food - including meat, fish, eggs and vegetables - and after touching the bin,…

10 ways to reduce pain

Whether your pain has just come on or you've lived with it for years, these tried-and-tested self-help steps can bring you relief. Get some gentle exercise Simple, everyday activities like walking, swimming, gardening and dancing can ease some of the pain directly by blocking pain signals…
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