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Havering Graduated Approach for SEND Pupils

The following flowchart, produced by Havering CAD Education Support Teams, is based on the graduated approach referenced in the SEND Code of Practice (2015). This document is intended to support schools and other educational settings with fulfilling their duties as outlined in the SEND Code of Practice (2015), and the support provided by CAD. In particular, the requirement to adopt a graduated approach and to involve children, young people and their families in discussions and decisions about SEND support.

Every educational setting in Havering, has support available to them from a ‘Team Around the School’ which includes professionals from CAD:

  • Educational Psychology Team
  • Speech, Language and Social Communication Team
  • Sensory Team
  • Secondary Team
  • Behaviour Support Team

A graduated approach is defined within the SEND Code of Practice (2015) as:
‘A model of action and intervention in early education settings, schools and colleges to help children and young people who have special educational needs. The approach recognises that there is a continuum of special educational needs and that, where necessary, increasing specialist expertise should be brought to bear on the difficulties that a child or young person may be experiencing.’
This document aims to:

  • Ensure that quality first teaching is the base upon which any additional support in built upon
  • Ensure class teachers are responsible for the provision of all learners, including those pupils with SEND
  • Outline and communicate expectations for different stages of provision
  • Clarify support options at different stages and who is responsible for monitoring systems in place
  • Support early intervention to meet pupil needs
  • Ensure that additional support follows an assess, plan, do, review cycle as outlined in the SEND Code of Practice
  • Provide staff with guidance on how, when and where to seek additional support
  • Ensure that approaches taken by schools are person-centred and include the voice and views of the child/ young person and their families

Pupils may move up or down through the stages over time and approaches should be responsive to individual needs. Evidence of actions regarding the type and level of support implemented should be recorded.

Graduated Approach for SEND pupils April 2023

Stage 1 - Universal

Stage 2 - Targeted

Stage 3 - Collaboration

Stage 4 - EHC Needs Assessment and individualised provision

Exceptional circumstances

Havering Local Authority recognises that, in exceptional circumstances, pupils’ may not follow each stage of the graduated approach. Examples of when this may occur are outlined below:

  • Pupils with profound and multiple learning difficulties, which are obvious from birth or soon afterwards, who require long term help and support from more than one agency.
  • A learner has moved in from another authority and/ or their former school has provided evidence of needs and professional input.
  • There is clear evidence that the learner has severe, complex and enduring difficulties but it has not been possible to make a graduated response as they have moved into the borough from abroad, or have attended several different schools, or are not attending school.
  • A learner’s ability has been suddenly and significantly changed by major illness or injury and the impact is long-lasting.
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