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Boost your health at work

Most of our waking hours are spent at work, which means the working environment can play a big part in our health and wellbeing.

About 131 million working days were lost through absences caused by sickness or injury in 2013, according to the Office for National Statistics.

Minor illnesses, such as coughs and colds, back pain and stress are among the biggest causes of absence from work.

There are many things that workers can do to reduce their risk of work-related ill health and use their time at work to boost their health.


About 15.2 million days were lost because of mental health problems like stress, depression and anxiety in 2013.

While not all stress is work-related, knowing how to deal with a lot of pressure at work is important. 

Learn to identify the symptoms of stress. Don't wait for it to make you ill before you do something about it.

Get more advice on how to beat stress at work.

Back pain

About 30.6 million working days were lost as the result of work-related back, neck and muscle pain, and other musculoskeletal disorders in 2013.

The main causes are poor posture or an awkward twisting movement (bending or reaching), or a combination of the two.

In most cases the best treatment is to stay active and, if necessary, use over-the-counter painkillers. 

For tips on keeping a healthy back, read:

Repetitive strain injury (RSI)

Repetitive strain injury (RSI) is more likely to occur if you spend long periods of work without a break, or if you sit on an uncomfortable chair or at a poorly arranged workstation.

Incorrect technique when using a computer keyboard and mouse, mobile phone or handheld device can all cause RSI.

Modern technology isn't solely responsible. Anyone who uses certain muscles repeatedly can get RSI.

This includes factory assembly-line workers, musicians, tailors and cleaners.

Find out how to prevent RSI.


If you spend a lot of your time at work sitting at a desk, make sure you're sitting in the right position in relation to your computer.

If you're unsure about correct posture, ask your line manager for a workplace health assessment.

It's important to take regular breaks if you work on a computer a lot.

For more advice, find out:


Many of us spend long hours at work, and may have a long and tiring commute. But getting active at work is easier than you may think.

Here are some tips for building exercise into your working day:

  • Cycle or walk part, if not all, of your journey to work. Get off one bus or tube stop before your final destination.
  • Walk over to someone's desk at work rather than speaking to them by phone.
  • Take the stairs instead of the lift. Or get out of the lift a few floors early, then use the stairs.
  • Use your lunch break to exercise. Your office may have a gym, or you may have access to a nearby swimming pool or squash courts.

Improving your general fitness and losing weight, if you need to, will also benefit your posture and help prevent injury. 

For more ideas on working exercise into your working day, check out our activity tips for office workers.


Manual handling, like lifting, lowering and pushing, accounts for nearly one in four reported injuries each year, according to the Health and Safety Executive (PDF, 77kb).

Learning about and following the correct method for lifting and handling objects can help prevent back pain.

For more information on correct lifting techniques and safe manual handling, read our guide to lifting safely.


We consume at least a third of our daily calorie intake while at work. What we eat and drink affects not just our health but our work performance, too.

If we don't eat regular well-balanced meals or drink enough water, we may get headaches, feel sluggish, or have difficulty concentrating.

Whether you buy your lunch from a sandwich shop, cafĂ©, supermarket or work canteen, there are usually plenty of healthy lunch options available.

Bringing in your own lunch is also a good idea - you know exactly what's in your lunchbox and it'll save you money.

You could either prepare sandwiches or a salad, or bring leftovers from your evening meal.

For healthy eating ideas, check out the healthy eating section.

Go to the Fit for Work website for free work-related health advice, including supporting employees or colleagues with work-related health issues.

Article provided by NHS Choices

See original on NHS Choices

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